HOKO The Flying Cat



HOKO The Flying Cat 〰️ 黎自香港嘅飛天貓

The flying cat, HOKO, gets its name from the abbreviation of HOng KOng and was born on April's "Kapok Day"! HOKO has a brave and righteous personality, just like the cotton flower, and always carries a sense of justice.

One day, while HOKO was in the forest, he encountered a group of cotton fairies. They gathered around HOKO's waist and bestowed upon him the magical power of flight! Since then, HOKO rides his cotton cloud every day, helping friends who are in distress. If you look up at the sky, you might catch a glimpse of the flying cat!

This time, HOKO appears in the form of a Maneki neko, holding a golden skateboard and and piece of smiley chocolate. It symbolizes that true wealth is found in enjoying every day with happiness. We hope that this image can inspire everyone and allow them to experience the power of happiness.

飛天貓HOKO取名自HOng KOng 的簡稱,出生於四月的「木棉花日」!他有着如木棉花般勇敢又正義的性格,總是心懷不平,因此被人稱為「怒魂」。

